Travis County Child Welfare Board

Travis County Child Welfare Board

Child welfare, Government

Board Retreat Facilitation, DEIB


The Travis County Child Welfare Board (CWB) provides resources and support for case workers and children in protective custody, including emergency assistance, support during investigations, child care and placement, medical bills, educational expenses, clothing, bedding and other items related to safety and wellbeing. Casey Communication worked with the team administrator and Board leadership to craft a productive retreat to kick off the new fiscal year. 


The CWB is diverse. The goal of the retreat was to level-set board priorities and equity practices. Casey Comm assisted with conceptualizing the retreat agenda, surveying board members, facilitating all parts of the meeting, and creating a follow up report with meeting commentary, recommendations for best practices, and next steps. The agenda was crafted to further improve working relationships and prioritize FY ’25 projects. Special attention was given to increasing awareness of brown and black voices on the board who are often minority opinions attempting to make systematic change 


Board members felt the retreat helped them approach sometimes senstive issues like defining board commitment and committee structures. Board leadership is interested in continuing to improve the efficiency and effectivness of board operations and creating more feedback loops with the groups they serve.